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Facebook vs Simirity

Andrew Ronald
Simirity Founder | Father of two

Facebook offers families a great way to connect in the present moment with shared media and messages. But it’s less focused on exploring your family’s past or optimising the way your posts are preserved for future enjoyment or family generations. And it shouldn’t have to! That’s not the purpose of social media.

Simirity’s focus is very different. Our family-owned business is dedicated to enhancing family connections through authentic, rich media stories. Simirity goes beyond thumbs up – inspiring families to explore their past, enjoy quality interactions today, and build a legacy of precious stories for the future. 

In this article, we explore the top five similarities and differences between Facebook and Simirity.

Simirity – connecting families through authentic, rich media stories that are preserved for future generations.

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5 Similarities between Facebook and Simirity

Similarity 1 – Sharing of content

You can connect with your family in a private group and share text, photos and videos.

Similarity 2 – Family interactions

You can interact with family via comments and emoji. 

Similarity 3 – Reminders about old content

You receive reminders about posts from previous years, connecting you to your past.

Similarity 4 – Accessible on all devices

You can access them from your smartphone, tablet or computer.

Similarity 5 – Profile pages

You have profiles pages, with details, posts, photo, videos and more.

5 Differences Between Facebook and Simirity

Difference 1 – Stories instead of posts

So many important things in life can’t be shared in a short message.

Facebook is all about ‘posts‘ which are short messages and media that take seconds to read.

Simirity is about ‘stories‘, which can be as short as Facebook posts or as long as you like, with unlimited media files. Imagine wanting to share a story about the fun times you had with your best friend at school, how your career evolved, or how you met and got to know your partner. These are exciting topics for your family, but it’s hard to do them justice in a Facebook post. That’s where Simirity can help, using story elements as illustrated here.

Authentic stories, free of adverts and available only to those you choose, are a great way for families to support each other. Real life, told by those we love.

Difference 2 – A lasting legacy not just short lived fun

Facebook can be fun in the moment, but it’s challenging to find old posts in the endless feed.

Simirity is THE digital archive of all your family’s stories.

Stories can be filtered by author, people, dates, story tags, country, read time and favourites. You even have a separate page to view all photos and videos embedded in your stories, also with filters to find what you are looking for.

A library of family stories, clicks away, and safe for future generations. With comprehensive filtering and search, so it’s easy to find what you’re looking for.

With Simirity, every story you create adds to a precious family legacy that your children and future family will cherish.

It provides enjoyable entertainment today and will be a lifelong accomplishment you can be proud of.

Difference 3 – Inspiring meaningful discussions that enrich relationships

As a family business, we have been using Facebook for many years to stay in touch. More often than not, we post the same things old things about social events and kids having fun. We enjoyed sharing these moments and receiving thumbs up and comments. But I wouldn’t describe these interactions as high quality and fulfilling.

With Simirity we wanted something more engaging than ‘likes’. We wanted to feel a part of each others lives, not just look at life’s highlights.

The first issue to solve was inspiring people to share topics outside of those usually discussed in social media. We curated hundreds of story ideas, exploring the past, family culture, health and genes, family food, education, heirlooms and far more besides. These ideas, homed in a family oriented and private platform, set the stage for stories that are altogether more authentic to those on Facebook.

Discover stories that are fun to write and treasured by today’s and tomorrow’s family. 

The second challenge was helping people feel comfortable with sharing personal stories. In Simirity your stories are 100% private and you specify exactly who can read them. Publish for your eyes only, give access to your children, parnter, parents, silbings or extended family. Create a private sharing link and share with non-Simirity users even. What’s important is that YOU get to decide – this isn’t a feed with everyone watching.

Be reminded about your family’s past with story anniversary notifications. Bringing the past into today’s conversations.

Simirity is THE place to feel safe and share personal stories with the people you care about. 

You’re not aiming for ego-boosting ‘likes’ here – its all about authentic interactions that enrich relationships in your family.

Difference 4 – Exploring your family’s past, not only focusing on the present

It’s easy to forget that the people we love won’t be around forever. We think we have all the time in the world to ask them about:

  • Their past.
  • Their experiences, thoughts and learnings alongs the way.
  • Interesting world events they experienced firsthand.
  • Your ancestors.
  • Family heirlooms.
  • Family geneology and your family tree.
  • Your childhood years.

Facebook will not encourage your family to explore these topics.

Simirity does. 

It’s stories like these that can connect your children their grandparents and relatives, not a post about a weekend away (nice as that is).

In addition to providing hundreds of questions within Simirity App to explore your past, Simirity users can send story ‘Requests’ to family members. This simple feature makes preserving your family’s history so much easier. Whenever you think ‘I really must ask my Mum/Dad/Sister about that’, you send a story Request. Each Request ensures your idea is not forgotten and acts as an optional to-do list for recipients.

Encourage your children to engage with extended family by asking them questions about their lives using Story Requests.

Over time, Requests enrich family relationships by initiating engaging discussions while preserving precious stories for the future. 

Difference 5 – Building a supportive family network through quality interactions

As a parent, you want your child to seek support from family during challenging times.

  1. To learn from your experiences and those of their elder cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents.
  2. To know that these people are there for them, ready and willing to help.

Social media platforms often highlight the good times in people’s lives, but what about when things get tough? Few people seek helpful family advice on Facebook when they are struggling in a relationship or facing career challenges. Would you? That’s not what social media is used for. This is, however, what Simirity is designed for. 

Stories in Simirity, inspired by in-app story prompts and family requests, often contain more substance than Facebook posts. Most stories are happy and uplifting, but tales about life’s challenges also belong in Simirity.

As an adult, you might not enjoy speaking about these topics face to face. But writing about your challenges is much easier. And its extremely motivating and rewarding to share learnings that might help the youngsters in your family.  

To help consolidate the lessons from your family, users can add snippets of wisdom as ‘Life Lessons’ within their Simirity Stories. And all these Life Lessons are collected on a single page of family wisdom.

Help others with short snippets of wisdom presented as text within stories. All your family’s Life Lessons can be viewed on one page, and clicking on one will access its story.

On your family’s Life Lessons page, people facing personal challenges can find advice and discover which family members to ask for help.

Summary of Facebook vs Simirity

Hopefully you now see how different Facebook and Simirity are, and how they can be used alongside each other for different purposes.

There are many more differences between Facebook and Simirity than the five presented. Get a visual overview with this comparison chart, or explore this post about staying connected with family to learn more.

If any of the following are appealing, consider giving Simirity a try:

  1. More high-quality interactions with your family online.
  2. Exploring your family's heritage and stories from the past.
  3. Preserving family stories for your children and future generations.

Getting started with Simirity is easy and hassle-free. Sign up for a free account today – it’s your first step towards nurturing family relationships and bringing wholesome family goodness into each day. 

Introduction to Simirity App

Facebook and Simirity work well together!

Facebook is great for updates from your friends and general entertainment, while Simirity is the home of your family online.

And if you write a story in Simirity that you want to share outside your family, enable the story’s private sharing link and add to Facebook, Twitter or whichever platform you prefer.



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