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Entertainment & Arts – Story Prompts That Reveal Your Creative Side

Inspire family with your favourite music, art, designs, books, TV programs, movies, theatre shows, podcasts, website, games and apps. Explore these Story Prompts about entertainment and arts to rediscover and preserve creative elements from your past.

Man watching TV.

Meaningful Characters

Are there famous TV or movie characters that are meaningful to your family?

  • Perhaps for you, or your children.
  • As a child, did you look up to someone on TV?
  • Maybe there is an actor or actress that you find inspiring?

Childhood Recollections

Which TV series or films do you fondly recall from your childhood?

  • Were there special programs you used to watch on certain days or after school? Almost like a ritual.
  • Do you recall the first movies you watched at the cinema? How was that first cinema visit?
  • Were the shows the talk of the school the next day?
Lady in an art gallery.

Art & Design

What art or design do you appreciate?

  • Can you recall a particular moment when you felt especially connected to a piece of art or design?
  • Are there any artists or designers whose work you are especially drawn towards?
  • Do you find that your appreciation has evolved over time?
  • Have your cultural background or personal experiences influenced your appreciation for certain types of art or design?
Lady in music shop looking at a record.

First Music

What was your first music purchase?

  • Why did you choose that particular album or song for your first purchase?
  • Do you remember the feeling of buying your first music?
  • What do you think about your first music purchases now?
  • How does it compare to buying music now?
Pile of books.

Top Tens

What are your all-time top tens for music albums, literature or movies?

  • Do they hold a particularly special memory or significance for you?
  • Are there any backstories about how you came across these albums, books or movies?
  • Are there any lines or scenes that are especially importance for you?
Music being played on a portable device.

This Year's Playlist

What would be on your song playlist for this year?

  • What are your criteria for music to be on your playlist?
  • How has your taste changed over the years?
  • Do you have different playlists for different moods or occasions?
  • When do you listen to your music?
A couple at the cinema.

Your Top Recommendations

What books, movies, theatre shows, podcasts etc, do you recommend to others?

  • What makes them so special for you?
  • Do you think they will stand the test of time?
Man laughing.

Favourite Jokes

What jokes will have your family in stitches of laughter?

  • Are there any specific themes or subjects that always guarantee laughter?
  • Do you have any inside jokes that only your family understands?
  • Are there any memorable moments that have become the source of family jokes?
  • Do certain family members have a knack for telling jokes or stories that always get a big reaction?
Lady singing.

Special Music

Which musical artists, albums or songs are special for you?

  • How long have you known them for?
  • Have you ever seen them playing live?
  • Are there special moments in your life that connect to specific songs?
Man reading a book in nature.

Treasured Books

What are your treasured books and why?

  • Are there any particular passages that have stuck with you over time?
  • Do you have a favourite character in the books?
  • Are there specific authors you enjoy the most?
A mother reading to her children.

Childhood Books

What books from your childhood would you like future generations to read?

  • What is it about these books that makes you want future generations to read them?
  • Have these books influenced your perspective or values in any significant way?
  • Do you have any fond memories associated with reading these books during your childhood?
  • Are there any specific characters or storylines that you think will leave a lasting impression on readers?
A football computer game is being played.

Digital Entertainment

What websites, computer games or apps are important for you and why?

  • Do they have any features or tools that you recommend checking out?
  • How have they made your life better?
A man is talking into a microphone.

Preserve Your Storytelling

Can you write or audio record your own story for future children?

  • Get creative and write something that will be passed down to future generations.
  • Children’s stories are short and simple. Award-winning work is not needed.
  • If you can record yourself reading the story, future listeners will connect with you more than by reading your words.
  • If you can draw, why not illustrate your book too?
A man is shuffling cards.

Party Trick

Can you perform a party trick and immortalise it with a video recording?

  • How did you learn this particular trick?
  • Is it easy to learn?
  • Has it even gone wrong during a performance?
  • Are there any stories about times when you have shown this trick?
A lady's tattoo on her back.


What do your tattoos mean to you?

  • What was the inspiration behind each of your tattoos?
  • Do you have a favourite tattoo?
  • Have your tattoos led to interesting encounters with others?
Two pages of a book, folded back to look like a heart shape.

Captured in Verse

Are there any stories / movies / songs / poems that seem to capture elements of you?

  • The words seem to talk specifically about something from your life.
  • How are they a part of your life?

Story Prompt FAQ’s

What is ‘entertainment and arts’?

‘Entertainment and arts’ covers a very broad spectrum of activities, from traditional forms like theatre, literature, and visual arts to modern mediums like film, television, music, and digital media. It’s not just about amusement; it’s also about storytelling, expression, and reflection of society and culture.

What are ‘Story prompts’?

Sometimes it can be hard to get start writing a story. Story Prompts help by providing creative ideas as inspiration. Simirity’s Story Prompts have been designed to ignite discussions in your family and inspire you to ask questions about your family’s past.

How can I use Story Prompts with my family?

Stories don’t have to be written, they can be spoken too. They are designed for both you and your family. As you review the prompts, consider how your parents or a sibling might answer. It you don’t want to write a story down that fine – they can serve as great inspiration for interesting family discussions.

All prompts are built into the Simirity App. Within the app, you can send them to family members as Story Requests. This is a great opportunity to ensure important family stories get discussed and preserved for future generations.


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